Saturday, January 18, 2014

To tithe or no to tithe

The guilt that is breed so completely into the most common of us Catholics, has not skipped me. So, breaching this topic, in particular, comes with that typical discomfort of taboo subjects. 

Philanthropy: The effort or inclination to increase the well-being of humankind, as by charitable aid or donations.

Telling people in a general call out to 'help your fellow man,' is much different than saying, "I did this and this and this, look at how great I am."
So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. Matthew 6:2 

So it goes with tithing to the Catholic church. The church has cute little envelopes with which the church tracked each parishioner's donations. I adamantly refused to use those envelopes. We used cash.

With totals published every week in the bulletin, it always felt more like a contest to me than anything else. Who is the most generous. Who will win a seat at the Holy Table of God? What I gave to the church was between me and God.
Now, when I hear someone say, "Our life is great because we give money to church," I hear trumpets go off. The implication that our life has suffered because we are not generous enough is incredibly condescending.

I try not to judge people, but when they judge me first, I think it is only fair to return the favor.

 Intrada by Henry Purcell.
Wall Art

As long as the trumpets are playing, we may as well dance to the music. ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪

My personal list of charity dos and don'ts...note the personal. When we were unemployed, broke and desperate, I promised myself that when we recovered , we would NEVER turn an individual down who asked for help. This is an interesting promise to keep.

1. The most difficult to keep has been people asking for money on the street, simply because I seldom carry cash. I few months ago, a friend on Facebook posted a picture of 'Homeless Bags' or Blessing Bags'. This has been an easy solution. Our family put to together a few 'bags' and carry them in a small plastic container in our car. The following are a couple of links to different types. 

Blessing Bags for the Homeless

A couple of things to know. Our bags cost a bit over $10 each to put together. Water bottles seem to be the most appreciated thing of everything we put in bag. Otherwise, we have used the type things listed on most sites, gallon ziplock bags, deodorant, toothpaste & brush, small snacks, antibacterial lotion.The first time we made the bags, we created man or woman specific bags. I would not do that again.

2. We live in California. It is always HOT. Giving money to the people collecting for the Homeless Vets is always appreciated. As is a cold bottle of water or coke for the person collecting money. 

3. People spinning signs for 8 hours on the corners of the road also appreciate cold drinks.

4. Little kids selling suckers or candy canes in parking lots will happily take a dollar or two, even if you let them keep the candy.

Enough of this.

See people one by one, as people.

I vote 'YES' to raise taxes for the arts. 

I am willing to pay more so someone else can see the doctor. I also know it is easier to give away money I never actually see. I would RATHER have the stuff that money could buy, TOO. 

The understanding that a few more dollars in my pocket won't change my life, but knowing it could make all the difference to someone else, makes it an easy choice for me. 

Finally, do I think anything above makes me a better or more deserving person than you or you or you. NO.

I don't want trumpets or accolades. I just wish people would help one another, because it is the right thing to do.

 ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪  Music off....