Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Eve

Faded ribbons hold tight to brittle wreaths.

The wind whips bitter cold emptiness

throughout the vast spray of headstones.

Stark granite catches the last glow of light

as day slips into night.

A dusting of snow refuses to settle down amongst the markers,

Skittering lightly across the frozen surface.

It spins a torrent twist toward the blackened sky

before battering into the polished rock

and dropping.

Shadows deepen,

Night darkens to black.

Names blur upon the rigid stone.

Frozen in time.

Forgotten by life.

City lights glisten through snow draped pines.

Laughter floats in upon the brisk ice wind.

The old year fades to new,

Time leaps forward everywhere

but here.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Old and New

My computer is back online. The past few days have been filled with many thoughts I have wanted to write down in this blog with no means to do so. Now, while I sort through the murky haze, I will leave this post. I am sure it will change as my thoughts clear and my fingers once again become accustomed to the keyboard. Meanwhile, I hope you are enjoying the Holiday season. Christmas Eve is just ten days away.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Just breathe by Mary

I know I mentioned a while back that I would return after the 21st of November. Currently I am buried knee deep in wrapping paper, Christmas ornaments and chaos. This, however, is not the reason for my delayed return. Somehow in a few weeks my world has made 180 degree turn, and I am still trying to regain my balance. (Dizzy humor for those aware I am in physical therapy to keep from falling over. All of you, now!)

The past couple of years it has felt like we were living in amongst gigantic domino tiles crashing around us, and they continue to do so. Though I am not quite ready to share our latest set back with the world, I will say the family is still doing well. In the mean time, I will take my advice from the Dove chocolate wrapper and 'Just breathe'.

I plaque sits beside my desk:
Hope ~~ sometimes all we have.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Hope Floats

Beginnings are scary, endings are usually sad,
but it's the middle that counts the most.
Try to remember that when you find
yourself at a new beginning.
Just give hope a chance to float up.

And it will, too...