Saturday, June 19, 2010

Fort Snelling!

Fort Snelling!
What an interesting place to go. First of all they have these tools they used back in the olden days. Like the medicine they used to treat the sick. Did you know they had laughing gas, and Novocain but not much. It was so expensive that not that many people used it. So they were wide awake when they had there tooth pulled out. OW! the most interesting thing I thought was when they fired off the canon. First they explained how they were going to fire it off. Then they explained when they would fire it off back in the olden days. They wouldn't fire it off until the enemy was at the wall and then.........BOOM! The people that were acting there were so good I thought I had gone back in time. Take it from me you peeps really want to go there some time in the near future.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Designer Ideas at a Five and Dime Price

Living History

Mill City Museum Mill City Museum is located on the historic Mississippi Riverfront. Mill City Museum was the largest flour mill back in the day. It was the competition of Pillsbury’s mill, you know the fat dough man. Whilst we were visiting the mill, it had not been run in 50 years. This mill is not the real mill, because it burnt down in 1991. Not sure why it burnt down. They rebuilt it in the late 1990’s; in the year 2003 they opened the mill as a historical museum.

The FLOUR TOWER! Not like the Tower of Terror, this tower helps to show the history of the museum. When we stepped out of this tower we were brought into the mill. Then we met up with a tour guide who showed us how the mill worked back in the day.

Since it was a really windy and cold day, when we went out side and we encountered snow. Snow in the middle of May! Right out side of the mill there is a farmers market. That day at the farmers market there was a band called the “Brass Messengers” playing.

This was a fun day trip for every member of the family. We built puzzles, saw the sights, and learned new interesting things about the mill and its history. All in all it was a fun filled day at the mill.

~Daisy Goose

Monday, June 14, 2010

Back to the Beginning

*Original first Blog Post
A year ago, just after the death of Grampa Doc, we decided we needed something to help the family move on. We purchased a yearlong Membership in the Minnesota Historical Society and spent the summer touring historical site around central Minnesota. Because this blog is starting at what might be considered the halfway point in our journey, I will be backtracking on our previous adventures, as time goes on.

To be fair, I have already decided to include many of the other interesting places we encounter across Minnesota, not just Historical Sites. This last year have been quite a learning experience. I have learned more about the state in twelve months, than I have learned in the entirety of my life living here. There is no need to put an actual number on how long that might be!

So, welcome to the state of Minnesota, as seen through our eyes. All the parks and plazas, festivals and races. We have already seen a couple of zoos, walked several bridges, climbed a lighthouse and scraped a deer hide. And, we have only just begun.